This gallery contains 11 photos.
1-05-2012 We visited our italian friends in Byumba and we did the nice walk on the hill to see the tea plantation. I am a tea-addicted, so it is clear that I really enjoyed this walking 🙂
This gallery contains 11 photos.
1-05-2012 We visited our italian friends in Byumba and we did the nice walk on the hill to see the tea plantation. I am a tea-addicted, so it is clear that I really enjoyed this walking 🙂
This gallery contains 7 photos.
Non puoi scegliere di giocare, devi lavorare. Non puoi scegliere cosa mangiare, ti devi accontentare di quello che c’è. Con la tua scelta puoi aiutarci a dare UNA POSSIBILITÀ IN PIÙ a chi ha un futuro segnato dalla povertà. 5×1000 … Continue reading
This gallery contains 7 photos.
I’ve spent most of the last week in Musha working with Jerome. We produced news soaps with different recipes and we distilleted the eucalyptus leaves. I’ve also spent some times with the kids of the Umudugudu (it means small village … Continue reading
This gallery contains 7 photos.
4-04-2012 MUZUNGU!! this is how local people call the “white people” on the will listen kids and young people calling you eveywhere “muzungu” in rwanda as in the most of the countries of east-africa! the term … Continue reading
This gallery contains 7 photos.
In the last days of March we started the experimentation with the essential oils in Musha and Gatenga. With Jerome (the agronomist in Musha) we started to think about the nex cultivations and also the essential oils we want to … Continue reading
This gallery contains 5 photos.
25-03-2012 Sunday at the lac Muhazi near Kigali to say goodbye to Marta. 27-03-2012 We spent all day visiting the city and doing our burocratic stuff for VISA and for my driving licence!!We have discovered some amazing markets where … Continue reading